Monday, 2 September 2013

Human body is fucking shit trash

im so frustrated.

I sprained my ankle last Tuesday and its been the worst experience ever. Not only does it fucking hurt like hell, it takes AGES to fucking heal and I cant do shit at moment except ly in bed all day.

Seriously how the fuck did human evolution allow this type of injury to not be weeded out. It can happen SOOO easily and it just completely incapacitates you. In the wild youd be dead for certain with such a simple injury unless you had your family do EVERYTHING for you.

The more I learn about physiology the more I become convinced the human body is just a pathetic frail piece of trash.

Fucking amen for pharmaceuticals and drugs.


  1. According to Cate Shanahan, if we had grown up eating ancestrally, our tissues would be more resistant to that kind of injury....

  2. Sorry, Kindke. It indeed one of worst injuries. It took me more than 6 month to fully recover from such thing when I had it 5 years ago first time in my life. Naproxene in big amounts, cold and a brace saved my first 2 weeks, I know you don't need any medical advice from me, you know already it will take too much time to heal. I blame perfectly smooth roads for my unpreparedness. I got susceptible to such injury after spending more than 10 years in US and Canada. In Russia roads are badly made , and get hard to navigate, especially after any rain soon after repairs, walking in snow also keep ligaments in a fit form. Some people(my husband is among them) I know purposely run unpaved hiking trail at least ones a week. I try to fast hike on uneven surfaces when I can after my injury. I bet it makes the difference.

    1. its retarded how easy it is to sprain your ankle, one minute your walking along just fine, then you put 1 step wrong and BOOM your in the most horrible pain and youll be living like a cripple for the next 3 months gratz.

    2. It indeed comes without any warning, the worst thing besides long recovery - most people manage to re-strain their ankle at the end of recovery, like foot learns how to get twisted. Totally sucks.

  3. Saturday I was climbing out of the sea weight by 75 pounds of SCUBA when a giant swell lifted me out of the water and dropped me on the reef on my back. Now scratched-up and sore all over and do not want to do anything. Our resilience makes us as will be out there again next weekend.

  4. Agreed, that sucks. I once heard from an MD at a talk that some people can completely blow out their backs simply by sneezing.

    1. lol, but still not as serious as ankle sprain :)

    2. My mother broke me a rib by hugging me a few years ago.
      Pathetic frail piece of trash: me too.
